Spring 2021.R1 Release

Spring 2021.R1 Release

Spring 2021.R1 Release Notes 

Product Features:

  • User Interface – The header menu has been slightly redesigned to improve usability and accommodate more features.
    1. The Home menu has been shortened to show the Home icon without ‘Home’ text. 
    2. The Help menu has been moved to the right side of the page and shown as a question mark icon. All submenu items under the Help menu are available as before.  
    3. What’s New will provide easy access to check any new updates on the platform. 



  • NDA Process – We have introduced a quick and easy way to sign an NDA via email for everyone on the project team. Users can now sign from their mobile device via email and do not need to login into the application. The current signing process in the application is also supported. 


  • Due Diligence
    1. Upload multiple documents: – Diligence users can upload multiple files in the external portal when responding to diligence questions. 

Product Improvements:


  • Due Diligence
    1. Back/Cancel – Users may now cancel out or navigate backwards from the Import screen.
    2. Submitted Date – Filter for submitted date has been adjusted to allow users to clear the date selection without removing selections for other filters.
    3. Permissions – Non-admin users who have full rights may now edit Due Diligence access permissions.
    4. Filter Labels – Added Round, Status, and Group labels to External due diligence portal filters.


  • Document View – Users may view pdf files from within browser rather than automatically downloading to their computers.
