Importing MS Outlook Contacts

Importing MS Outlook Contacts

Adding MS Outlook Contacts to Devensoft is a 2-Step process. The first step is to export the MS Contacts to a file.  The second step is to download the DefaultTemplate from Devensoft, complete the fields and then Import the data into the tool.  Below are the directions for both steps.

Step 1:  Exporting MS Contacts

  1. Open your Outlook Contacts.
  2. Select File/Open & Export.
  3. Select the Import/Export option.
  4. In the Import and Export Wizard window, select Export to a file.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Comma Separated Values.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the Contacts folder.
  9. Select Next.
  10. Displayed is the ‘Export to a File’ window.  In the ‘Save exported file as:’ dialog box, select the Browse… button and choose a file location
  11. Type in a file name and click OK.
  12. Click Next.
  13. Click Finish.
  14. Open the file from step k.
  15. Contact your Devensoft Administrator so they can download and send you the DefaultTemplate.xlsx.  For users that have Administrator access, they can download the template from the M&A tool.  To do this:
    1. Open your Devensoft tenant.
    2. From the Menu Bar, select Admin/Import and Export/Export Wizard.
    3. Select Next.
    4. Select the Default Template.
    5. Select Next.
    6. In the Export Wizard Finish window, select the Download file link.  The template opens with the Contacts displayed.
    7. At the top of the page, to the right, press the Enable Editing button.

  16. With both Excel files open, copy data from the MS Outlook Contacts file (step k above) into the Default Template/Contacts file.  Required data to complete is listed below.The required
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Functional Team
    4. Email
    5. Note:  Please make sure that you’re adding these 3 fields in the red cells (see below screen capture). If you’ll need more rows, please insert them before you start copying your data.
      Note:  You must insert rows between existing data as the rows must be alternating colors as indicated in the below screen capture.

Step 2:  Import the Data

  1. Return to your M&A instance.
  2. Select Admin/Import and Export/Import Wizard
  3. Select 'Import from Excel file (standard layout)'
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select Choose File.
  6. Return to the location of where you downloaded the template, e.g. Downloads and choose Contacts (1) file.
  7. Click Open.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review your contacts as there should be no problems.  
  10. Click Next.
  11. Select Merge
  12. Select Next.
  13. The 'Import Wizard - Finish' window is displayed indicating that the data was successfully imported. 
  14. Click Close.
  15. Return to the Contacts menu to view your newly added contacts.

    Tip:  If the Contacts appear in the (Not Set) category, edit each contact and complete the Functional Team field.  Save and the contact will be categorized under that functional team.