How to edit a financial

[HowTo] Edit a Financial

To edit a Financial Target


  1. Navigate to the Targets menu.  
  2. Under the Target Name column, select a Target. 
  3. Select the Financials tab. 
    Tip:  If the Financials link is not listed, it's because the module is not enabled.  Please ask your Administrator to enable it.
  4. Navigate to the right of the Financial where three icons are displayed: pencil icon, delete icon, and view financial). 
  5. Per the below screen capture, select the pencil icon to edit the financial.
  6. The Financial Target Detail window appears, allowing the user to edit data such as the name, type, category, actual, forecast, and plan.
  7. Select the Save icon button. 

Tips:  Using the Financial Detail buttons.

  • Add: This feature adds another period (month) and appears to the right, at the end of the financial.
  • Delete Last:  Deletes the last period(month).
  • Copy Forecast to Plan:  Transfers data from the forecast into the baseline plan. 
  • Lock Plan/Unlock Plan: This button functions as a toggle.  When the Lock Plan is pressed, it prevents the possibility of having plan data altered. Press the Unlock Plan button to allow financial data to be adjusted.
  • Create a Forecast Snapshot: Makes a copy of the current financials. 
  • Prior period: Allows the user to review a prior set of financials.
  • Magnifying Glass Icons: To view financials yearly, quarterly, or monthly, use the zoom-in or zoom-out icons. 
  • Dollar Icon: If configured in Target Settings, pressing this button displays the financials in the local currency.