How Do I Add or Edit a Target?

How Do I Add or Edit a Target?

To add a Target, a user can either add it manually or import a list of existing Targets using the Devensoft Import Wizard found in the Admin menu. 

Importing from the Admin Menu is an Administrator function and is covered in the Devensoft Administrator Guide

Adding a Target:

  1. From the Menu Bar, click on Targets.

  2. Click on the + Create button.

  3. Complete the required fields: Code Name, Target Name, and Deal Lead.

  4. Complete the remaining fields or you may complete them later.

  5. Press Save.

    The Target Detail page opens to the Summary page where more information can be added to the Target. To edit a Target, proceed to the next section, Editing a Target.

Editing a Target:

  1. From the All Targets view, click on the Target Name.

  2. Click on the Edit button on the top left of the Target Detail page.

  3. Make the necessary change and click the Save button on the top left of the page.