How Can I Rearrange the Order of the Operational Report Titles?

How Can I Rearrange the Order of the Operational Report Titles?

With over 30 out-of-the-box Operational Reports, Administrators and users with Report Access equal to Manager, have the ability to rearrange their report sections by following the below steps.

  1. From the Menu Bar, navigate to Reports/Operational.

  2. In the left margin, select the "twistie" icon to collapse all report sections.  This step allows the editor to determine how to best rearrange the report titles.

  3. The "collapsed" view of the Operational Reports will look similar to the below list of reports.

  4. Navigate to the end of a report title and click on the Edit Group Properties icon.

  5. The Group Detail window opens.

  6. Edit the Order and press the Save button.

    The report has been reordered to the desired position.