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About the Activity Map
About the Activity Map
Activity Map
One of Devensoft’s hallmark features is the Activity Map - an easy-to-use drill-down hierarchical view of the entire project plan. By default, it is sorted by Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) numbering. Arrows to the left of the activities allow you to expand the view inside that Workstream, Milestone, or Task for a quick, at-a-glance update on the status of each activity.
The hierarchy is explained below and depicted in the screen capture.
Project - Can be used to group together Workstreams, Milestones, Tasks, and Subtasks that are part of a Target or Program.
Workstream - Represents a set of key activities within a single or across multiple functional teams.
Milestone - Represents discrete objectives that must be met in order to successfully complete a Workstream.
Task - are units of time-based work associated with Milestones.
Subtask - are the lowest unit of time-based work associated with Milestones.

For more information on using the Activity Map, please reference the Activity Map User Guide